Monday, April 19, 2010

LeapFish Testing Part 4

To further on the concept of Ghetto Testing, LeapFish should try out other channels to promote the CashDash contest.  For example, were I running this contest, I’d definitely create a Facebook page for it and also award points to users who not only fan the page, but also those folks who post on the page’s wall and invite friends.  I see there are 20 points awarded to folks who post a tweet about the contest, so wouldn’t you think that a Facebook fan is worth significantly more?
Facebook has significantly more traffic than Twitter—about 100 times more traffic, since last time I had checked.  Plus, it is definitely a more viral and trustworthy way of sharing content.  People frequent Facebook more because of the filters that are built into it.
Thus, by adding in a strong Facebook page, connecting the site with Facebook using Facebook Connect, and adding in the fan points system, there is a lot more that can spread the virality and conversion of the LeapFish Cash Dash contest.
In our next post, we’ll discuss what aspects of a Facebook Fan Page will be most effective for LeapFish.  And if the LeapFish marketing folks are reading this, all the much better!  Love to hear your thoughts on this!

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